Animáky s diskusí…

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Duše (2020)

Pixar Animation Studios uvádí celovečerní film Duše, ve kterém se představí středoškolský učitel hudební výchovy Joe Gardner (v původním znění Jamie Foxx), který dostane životní šanci hrát v proslulém jazzovém klubu. Jeden chybný krok ho však přenese z ulic New Yorku do Neznáma před, což je fantastické místo, kde čerstvě narozené duše získávají před vstupem na Zemi vlastnosti, návyky i zlozvyky.

Důvod výběru

Film se zabývá hlubokými otázkami o životě, jeho účelu a smyslu, a to vizuálním a přístupným způsobem. Jsou to velmi palčivá témata pro současné teenagery, kteří jako by jen tak proplouvali životem. Je to užitečný film, který může zahájit rozhovory o těchto tématech, aniž by předjímal lidi s vyloženě křesťanským pohledem.

Otázky k diskusi (En)

  1. Do you have something in your life that you feel will complete you if you attain it?
  2. Have you ever gotten something you thought would make you happy and it didn’t? What was it and why didn’t it make you happy?
  3. How was Joe’s love of Jazz preventing him from connecting with people like his barber?
  4. What is the difference between your ‘spark’ and your purpose? Can you live without a purpose? What makes life worth living?
  5. What can we do to find our ‘spark’? Can it be found again after it is lost? Think about the stock trader that Moonwind ‘re-lit’
  6. Do you feel like one who is often ‘in the zone’ (the place between the physical and spiritual), a ‘lost soul,’ or just living life? Why?

Citáty (En)

  1. Moonwind: “[regarding lost souls] Some people just can’t let go of their own anxieties and obsessions leaving them lost and disconnected from life. And this is the result.”
  2. Moonwind: “Lost Souls are not that different from those in the zone. The zone is enjoyable but when that joy becomes an obsession, one becomes disconnected from life.”
  3. 22 (as Joe): “But I want to try a few things because, I don’t know, some of it is not as boring as it is at the You Seminar, and if Connie can find something she loves here, maybe I can too.”
  4. 22 (as Joe): “Is all this living really worth dying for?”

Rodina na baterky (2021)

Nesmírně talentovaná, leč trochu samotářská Katie Mitchellová je přijata na vysokou školu svých snů. Plány na odlet jí však překazí její táta Rick, svérázný milovník přírody, který rozhodne, že spolu se zbytkem rodiny Katie na vysokou školu odvezou, aby se ještě vzájemně naposledy užili.

Důvod výběru

Tento film je koktejlem internetové kultury. Témata rodiny, držení pohromadě, kompromisů a vnímání hodnoty lidí navzdory jejich jedinečnosti a svéráznosti, nebo dokonce díky nim, dělají z tohoto filmu lehký, ale působivý film pro dospívající. To spolu s lehkým komediálním sociálním komentářem k naší přílišné závislosti na technologiích a telefonech dělá z tohoto filmu zábavný a snadno pochopitelný film.

Otázky k diskusi (En)

  1. What did the wooden moose figure represent to Katie at the beginning of the movie? What did it represent to her at the end of the movie? What did it represent to Rick? Do you have an object like that in your family or friend group?
  2. Do you have a family trip that was particularly memorable because it bonded you together? Was there a trip that you remember because of how much a disaster it was? Were they the same trip?
  3. Do you have neighbors or another family in your circle that reminds you of the Posey family (the Mitchell’s perfect neighbors)? Do you think that view is accurate? Do you think they have problems? Why or why not? Do they not have problems or do they deal with them in a different way?
  4. The Mitchell’s were always seen as dysfunctional and odd. How did their oddness end up coming in handy in their fight against the machines? Why did the Mitchell’s avoid being captured but the Posey’s didn’t?
  5. Do you feel odd or weird? How can those unique features be seen as an asset rather than a liability? What is something odd about your family that you actually really like and cherish and would not want to change?

Citáty (En)

  1. Katie: We all want to be the perfect family. But who’s perfect, right? Every family has it’s challenges from picture day to picky eaters. For my family, our greatest challenge… probably the machine apocalypse.
  2. Katie: There we are, warriors. Most action heroes have a lot of strengths. My family only has weaknesses… Look out, robots, because we’re brave… we are hungry for action, and we’re strapped in for success. And we have no… idea what we’re doing.

Spider-man (2018)

Spider-Man: Paralelní světy představí dospívajícího chlapce z Brooklynu Milese Moralese a nekonečné možnosti Paralelních světů, kde je víc než jen jeden maskovaný hrdina.

Důvod výběru

V tomto filmu se Miles snaží zjistit, kdo je a jak zapadá do světa. Je také požádán, aby převzal odpovědnost za svět, na kterou se necítí připraven a nechce ji. Tento film předkládá divákům hluboké otázky týkající se výzev a ztrát. To, jak na tyto výzvy reagujeme, utváří to, kým se staneme a kým se můžeme stát v budoucnu.

Otázky k diskusi (En)

  1. What enabled Miles to finally embrace and thrive at being Spider-Man in his dimension?
  2. Do you think that Miles was destined to be Spider-man or was it random? Why or why not?
  3. When Miles became spider-man, did he cease to be Miles? Are we meant to be who we are when we are born or do we change and become who we are through circumstances and challenges we face in life? How much control do we have over who we are and how we respond to challenges we face?
  4. Describe a time you had to do something you felt unprepared to do? Did you overcome that fear and how?
  5. Who do you want to be? What is preventing you from getting there?
  6. If you don’t know who you want to be, how do you know if your there or not?

Citáty (En)

  1. Peter Parker: But after everything, I still love being spider-man. I mean, who wouldn’t? So no matter how many hits I take, I always find a way to come back. Because the only thing standing between this city and oblivion is me. There is only one spider-man.”
  2. Peter Parker: “I thought I was the only one. You’re like me.
    Miles Morales: “I don’t wanna be.”
    Peter Parker: “I don’t think you have a choice, kiddo. Got a lot going through your head, I’m sure.”
    Miles Morales: “Yeah.”
    Peter Parker: “You’re gonna be fine. I can help you. If you stick around, I can show you the ropes.”
    Miles Morales: “Yeah.”
    Peter Parker: “I just need to destroy this big machine real quick before the space-time continuum collapses. Don’t move.”

Coco (2017)

Navzdory prazvláštnímu rodinnému zákazu muziky se Miguel touží stát uznávaným hudebníkem jako je jeho idol, Ernesto de la Cruz. V touze dokázat svůj talent se Miguel souhrou neuvěřitelných okolností ocitne v překrásné a barevné Říši mrtvých. Tam potká okouzlujícího šejdíře Hectora a společně se vypraví na strhující cestu odhalit skutečný příběh Miguelovy rodiny.

Důvod výběru

V tomto filmu se objevuje mnoho témat týkajících se rodinné identity. Miguel se potýká s dilematem, že jeho životní nadání je v rozporu s jeho rodinou kvůli rodinnému traumatu z minulosti. Jak mohou děti a generace léčit rodinná traumata prostřednictvím trpělivosti, odpuštění a porozumění. Miguel je pro dnešní dospívající velmi blízkou postavou.

Otázky k diskusi (En)

  1. Have you ever felt like you needed to hide who you were or pretend to be someone else to be accepted by others or even your family?
  2. How can you act in a way that allows others to feel they can be honest and themselves around you?
  3. Can you think of a time that your parents prevented you from doing something and you ended up being glad they did?
  4. Is there a time you have prevented someone to not do something because you didn’t like it, even though it would have been positive for them?
  5. When has your prejudice toward something or someone prevented you from having a cool experience?

Citáty (En)

  1. Miguel: Sometimes, I think I’m cursed because of something that happened before I was even born.
  2. Miguel: I think we are the only family in Mexico who hates music. And my family is fine with that. But me… I am not like the rest of my family. I know I am not supposed to love music, but it’s not my fault… it’s his, Ernesto de la Cruz: the greatest musician of all time.
  3. Abuelita: Being part of this family means being here for this family. I don’t want to see you end up like—
    Miguel: Mama Coco’s papa?
    Abuelita: Never mention that man! He’s better off forgotten. I’m hard on you because I care, Miguel.

Jak vycvičit draka (2010)

Tato dobrodružná fantasy komedie se odehrává v mytickém světě drsných Vikingů a divokých, oheň chrlících draků. Vypráví příběh vikingského mladíka jménem Škyťák, který žije na ostrově, kde je boj s draky součástí života. Škyťákovy dosti pokrokové názory a neobvyklý smysl pro humor nenachází příliš pochopení v jeho kmeni ani u jeho náčelníka, což je shodou okolností … Škyťákův otec.

Důvod výběru

Škyťák si zoufale přeje být součástí svého kmene, stejně jako mnoho dnešních studentů, a potěšit svého otce. Ale jak se o to pokouší, uvědomuje si, že některé základní předpoklady, podle kterých jeho kmen žije, jsou mylné. Tento film odhaluje způsoby, jak poukázat na první principy myšlení, a má mnoho příkladů toho, jak minulá zklamání a traumata mohou vést k budoucímu objevu, úspěchu a pozitivnímu vlivu na společnost.

Otázky k diskusi (En)

  1. Due to prejudice, Hiccup was forced to work as a blacksmith, but this gave him the unique skills to be able to make the tools required to help and ride toothless. What is an experience you have had that seemed like a curse at the time but ended up helping you in the future?
  2. Hiccup did not succeed right away. Describe a time that you failed but started making small amounts of progress on a goal that finally led to a success?
  3. How has prejudice or fear prevented you from experiencing something new and potentially life-giving? Do you have a time when you went against your prejudice or fear and it turned out beautifully? Or one when it did not turn out?
  4. Describe a time when you stood up for what you knew was right, even if it meant harm or pain for yourself?
  5. What is something that you want to do but have not done because of fear of backlash from you family or social group? Does this film give you any courage or inspiration about how to approach that situation?

Citáty (En)

  1. Hiccup: Oh come on. Let me out, please? I need to make my mark.
    Gobber: Oh, you’ve made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places.
    Hiccup: Please? Two minutes. I will kill a dragon, my life will get infinitely better. I might even get a date.
    Gobber: You can’t lift a hammer. Can’t swing an axe. You can’t even throw one of these.
    Hiccup: Okay but this will throw one for me.
    Gobber: See this right here is what I’m talking about. If you ever want to get out there to fight dragons you need to stop all… this.
    Hiccup: What? You just pointed to all of me?
    Gobber: Yes. That’s it. Stop being all of you.
    Hiccup: One day, I’ll get out there. ‘Cause killing a dragon is everything around here.

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Zdroj: Part of the Plan: Camp Movie Night Options